Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Pochacco print....
Delicious gummy from FUJIYA in different shapes of Anpanman characters with orange or apple flavour (depending on the season). This cute Anpanman gummy come with 24 different shapes of various Anpanman characters. You will find two of them in each pack. Content: 19g
Delicious gummy from FUJIYA in different shapes of Anpanman characters with grape flavor. This cute Anpanman gummy come with 24 different shapes of various Anpanman characters. You will find two of them in each pack. Content: 19g
Delicious gummy mix from FUJIYA in different shapes of various Anpanman characters with apple, muscat grape and orange flavour. Content: 45g
Boost Bites, the extra power to chew. Contains royal jelly, caffeine, and three types of B vitamins (B1, B6, B12). The refreshing taste is inspired by energy drinks and the super-hard texture is recommended when you want to concentrate. Content: 100g
Boost Bites, the extra power to chew. Contains royal jelly, caffeine, and three types of B vitamins (B1, B6, B12). Refreshing energy drink flavour with mixed fruit flavour. The super-hard texture is recommended when you want to concentrate. Content: 100g
The more you chew, the more addictive the hard-textured gummy 'Candemina' becomes, in three popular carbonated beverage flavours.Ramune Grape Soda ColaContent: 72g
Delicious grape and soda flavoured gummy in different shapes of Doraemon and its awesome goods or Doraemon related characters. Content: 18g
Sour Italian grape taste gummies. Shaped like Italian pasta, fettuccine, the gummies have a slightly hard, al dente, bouncy texture that is fun to chew. Content: 50g
Kororo gummy are just indescribably. They have a unique softness and special texture which can't be phrased in words.Together with the deep, rich fruit flavour, it's obvious why Kororo gummy are loved even beyond the boarders. Content: 48g
Kororo gummy are just indescribably. They have a unique softness and special texture which can't be phrased in words.Together with the deep, rich fruit flavour, it's obvious why Kororo gummy are loved even beyond the boarders. Content: 48g
Kororo gummy are just indescribably. They have a unique softness and special texture which can't be phrased in words.Together with the deep, rich fruit flavour, it's obvious why Kororo gummy are loved even beyond the boarders. Content: 40g
The new style of marshmallow candy.It has a quite firm texture and therefore a new and unusual taste compared to usual marshmallows. This special texture, compared with the small falvour crystals on the outside makes this candy a new experience and our absolute recommendation. Content: 50g