Yokohama Hakuraitei Beef Stew is a roux made by carefully simmering...
Delicious! Easy! Convenient! Single wrapped drip coffee for your cup or...
Light and crispy cookie shell around a fluffy and awesome delicious...
A great gummy snack with different flavour on one stalk. Another great...
Bento box in triangle shape for Onigiri and cute Cinnamoroll print....
Morinaga's awesome DARS chocolates as a special GANACHE edition with caramel flavour.A fine grain chocolate with a particular milk flavour that will give you a breath of fresh air and cheer you up. Content: 12 pieces (46g)
Morinaga's awesome DARS chocolates as a special GANACHE edition with milk tea flavour.A fine grain chocolate with a particular milk flavour that will give you a breath of fresh air and cheer you up. Content: 12 pieces (46g)
A whole bag full of finest Fujiya chocolates which covers delicious almonds. Content: 20 pieces
A whole bag full of delicious Fujiya chocolates with peanuts bits. Content: 180g
Luxurious, rich, melt-in-your-mouth cream chocolate that brings out the mellow aroma and rich flavour of carefully selected cocoa. Contents: 12 pieces
Luxurious, rich, melt-in-your-mouth cream chocolate with a rich, mellow milk flavour. Contents: 12 pieces
A rich and luxurious three-layer truffle with the taste of hazelnuts and almonds. Content: 49g
Lindt LINDOR, the worldwide popular filled chocolate balls from Lindt & Sprüngli now available with Matcha. High quality white chocolate with a smooth melting matcha filling. Content: 6 pieces
Chocolate pieces in 4 different strawberry fillings. Each of the 4 fillings is made of a different species of Japanese strawberry.Amaou from Fukuoka Beni Hoppe from Shizuoka Awayuki from Nara Pearl White from NaraContent: 12 pieces (42g)
Finest chocolate pieces from FUJIYA with four different fillings. Banana, Almond, Strawberry and Pineapple. Content: 12 pieces (46g)
Great winter chocolates with a delicious cognac filling which is eagerly awaited by connoisseurs every year. Content: 10 pieces (5.7g each) Attention: This product includes 3.2% alcohol and is not suitable for children or people who react sensible to alcohol.
Great winter chocolates with a delicious Mont Blanc filling.Enjoy the delicious harmony of chestnuts with exquisite rum wrapped in melt-in-the-mouth chocolate. Content: 3 pieces (26g each) Attention: This product includes 0.9% alcohol and is not suitable for children or people who react sensible to alcohol.